Category: Uncategorized

The Best ‘Frasier’ Guest Stars… and the Worst

Frasier was a success for eleven seasons largely due to it’s clever writing and a terrific core cast. For these reasons it managed to largely steer clear of the cornier sitcom tropes that plagued contemporary shows, such as a celebrity cameo clumsily dropped into an episode. The series got around this mainly by having celebrities…
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The Best Action Films by Sub-Genre

The action genre has been one of my favorites since I was young and I would read countless rankings of “Best Action Movie” lists to find more that I would like. The issue is that, like most genres, there are too many different varieties of the movies to make a comparison of any value. Below…
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The Best James Bond Films Ranked: A Ranking and Analysis of 007

The James Bond franchise is the longest running movie series of all time, with 25 entries and counting. The movies in this series are as different as they come in termsof tone and quality but there are some common qualities that run through the bunch. To help me decide the rankings of the James Bond…
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The Best Japanese Film Directors

Japan has been home to some of the most visionary and masterful directors in film history. Since the early 1900s, Japanese auteurs were at the forefront of silent movies and maintained a strong footing every since. Although the country is mostly known for the period samurai films and anime, Japanese cinema is as widely varied…
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A Floating Pebble

A Floating Pebble   He rounded the sharp gravel bend going 75.   The motorcycle kicked out, no longer under his center of mass. The boy’s attempt to rebalance was late and futile.   The bike was a graduation gift, less than a month old.   It hit the dirt. The tires spun in the…
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I Commend My Spirit

  I Commend My Spirit By Matthew Benbenek   The last light of the day peeked through the curtains onto Iggy as he lounged against the headboard in Room 412 of the Woodford Hotel, dragging the life out of their last cigarette and thumbing his lucky silver dollar. Across the room, beyond the pile of…
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